
of birmingham


Shinkendo (眞剣道) is a system of Japanese swordsmanship founded by Obata Toshishiro. Incorporating techniques and concepts culled from numerous sword traditions, Shinkendo unifies into one comprehensive system all of the most important aspects of traditional swordsmanship training.

Shinkendo’s curriculum is divided into five areas of practice, known as the Gorin Gohō Gogyō (五輪 五法 五行):

  • Suburi (素振り) - sword swinging and body movement exercises

  • Battōhō (抜刀法) - combative sword drawing methods

  • Tanrengata (鍛錬型) - solo training forms

  • Tachiuchi (太刀打ち) - partnered sparring forms

  • Tameshigiri (試し斬り) - test cutting with a real sword

At advanced levels, Nitoken (二刀剣), using two swords simultaneously, is also taught.

Toyama Ryū Battōdō (戸山流抜刀道), a sword-drawing art originally developed for the Japanese military, is taught as an adjunct to the Shinkendo curriculum.

Shinkendo is a practical system of swordsmanship that cultivates the mind and body through rigorous training. Shinkendo’s underlying philosophies of Kuyō Junikun (九曜十二訓) and Hachidō (八道) teach valuable lessons that can be incorporated into both martial arts training and everyday life.

The Birmingham shibū (branch school) was established in 1988 and is one of the oldest officially licensed Shinkendo branches in the United States. Shibucho (branch chief) Michael Philpott began his Shinkendo training in 1991 under Paul Couch Hanshi and Yumiko Matsuoka Shihan. He holds an instructor’s license of Chuden Renshi from the International Shinkendo Federation. Training is currently held at the USA Martial Arts Bluff Park Dojo in Hoover, Alabama.

Please also visit us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

For residents of Northern Alabama, please visit our satellite study group at Shinkendo of Huntsville-Madison.

For more information about Shinkendo please visit the International Shinkendo Federation website.

Shinkendo of Birmingham is a Limited Liability Company